Securing your perimeter

Here are some specific EHR features that can help you meet your security requirements:

Access restrictions based on categories you can set up and define

Special status indicators for sensitive cases (see the nearby “Handle with care: Who needs extra EHR security?” sidebar for more information)

Ability to assign aliases for sensitive cases

Blocked access for specific notes or reports

Advanced security, tracking, and encryption features for anything accessed remotely (from the physician’s home computer, for example)

Encryption and tracking for fax transmissions

Patient record database that can be blocked in the event of a system support event

Troubleshooting that can be activated through use of test data as opposed to live records

Remote support encryption measures

Audit trails that monitor vendor staff activity as well as in-house employee access

Ability to block printing and download of patient data

Multiple levels of data accessibility

Ability to override access restrictions in cases of extreme emergency

Features will differ based on your choice of vendor, but if you see something here you like that your vendor doesn’t offer, make a point to let them know. They might add some of those features on the next system update!

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