

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.


I have so many reasons for writing this book. First, it served as a personal exercise to organize my thoughts on the subject. Second, I wanted to explore what is needed to achieve a paperless healthcare environment. What changes will need to occur to achieve interoperability among all the market players? What does this all really mean, and how do we in the healthcare industry continue to work within the various market initiatives during our day-to-day jobs? Clearly, a key component to all of this is change. That is the theme throughout this book.

What types of changes are occurring and being introduced by various market players? How will the parties achieve such change and manage the existing environment while in transition? Where will these changes take place in our current healthcare system? Who will be affected by all these changes? When will these changes take place? Ultimately, why are these changes taking place? Why is key, because we cannot improve without change. We cannot move forward without change. At times, the suggested changes and requirements will appear to be unreasonable as we try to adapt the world toward a new direction. At first glance, ...

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