List of Symbols

img specific interfacial area, m−1
img activity of species i, unitless
A area, m2
Ac cell or electrode area, m2
Ar Archimedes number, unitless
b Tafel slope, V per decade
B Debye constant for solvent, (kg/mol)½ m−1
c total concentration or salt concentration, mol m−3
c speed of light, 2.99792 × 108 m s−1
ci concentration of species i, mol m−3
C capacitance, F
Cd differential capacitance, F
CDL double layer capacitance per unit area, F m−2
Cp battery capacity offset, unitless
img distance, m
img hydraulic diameter, m
img molecular diffusivity of species i, m2·s−1
E energy for battery or double layer capacitor, J or W·h
E elastic modulus, Pa
Ea activation energy, J/mol
Eg energy gap, eV
f frequency, Hz
fi fugacity of species i, Pa
F Faraday's constant, 96485 C per equivalent
Fx component of force, N
img acceleration of gravity, m s−2

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