SI prefix Scientific notation Exponential Notation Engineering Notation Decimal Equivalent
Pico 10−12 E-12 10−12 0.000,000,000,001
Nano 10−9 E-9 10−9 0.000,000,001
Micro 10−6 E-6 10−6 0.000,001
Milli 10−3 E-3 10−3 0.001
Centi 10−2 E-2 n/a 0.01
Deci 10−1 E-1 n/a 0.1
100 E+0 n/a 1
Deca 101 E+1 n/a 10
Hecto 102 E+2 n/a 100
Kilo 103 E+3 103 1000
Mega 106 E+6 106 1,000,000
Giga 109 E+9 109 1,000,000,000
Tera 1012 E+12 1012 1,000,000,000,000

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