
16-PPM modulation method, 909
802.11 specification, 909
802.11a and OFDM, 918–22
802.11b specification, 914–18
Absolute maximum input, 427–8
Absolute permittivity, 59
Absolute potential, 49
Absolute voltages, 48–9
AC generator, 123–4
AC parameters, 430
AC sinusoidal electrical analysis, 229–57
AC small-signal analysis feature, in SPICE software, 467–9
AC values, 126–33
Acceptor, 317
Accumulator, 507
Active filters, 622–7
Actuator, 745
Adaptive filters, 728–32
Address bus, 502, 510
Address bus buffer, 509
Admittance, 171
Admittance transfer function, 304
Aether, 976
Alkaline manganese dioxide, 600–1
Alternating voltages and currents, 123–47
Alternating waveforms, 124, 125
AM wave, power distribution in, 842–6
Ammeter, 11
Amplifier noise, ...

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