

ability to learn, 267
AC (alternating current), 49–50, 279
amplifier circuit, 196
low-pass filters and, 56–58
mode in scopes, 206
power supplies, 174–177
sources, 52–53
Thevenizing and, 47–49
accumulators, 116
AC motors, 53, 170–174
line surge creation with, 236–237
thumb rules on, 174
Adams, Scott, 32
adders, 112–113
administrative assistants, 252
advocacy, by managers, 264
affirmations, 256–257
algebra, unit math and, 13–16
aluminum, 85, 88
amperage, See current
amplification blocks, 90–91
negative feedback and, 73
transistors as, 79, 81
analog, 141–144
definition of, 142
pros and cons of, 144
real world as, 146–147
thumb rules on, 151
-to-digital conversion, 144–151
analog computers, 21
analogies, 262
analog ...

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