The following is a list of terms defined in this book. Italicized words refer to other glossary terms.

activity streams

On both user profiles and group profiles, this is a list of activities related to the group or member.

Agile methodologies

Instead of defining all aspects of the project requirements up front, this defines requirements while the development effort is ongoing. The project is broken into a series of sprints, at the end of which customers are presented with results, and requirements are refined based on their feedback. As feedback is incorporated into subsequent sprints, the website increasingly nears a final format.


Provides all features and functionality "out-of-the-box" without requiring integration with other third-party systems.

ambiguous queries

Searches resulting in two sets of results, each with completely different meanings.

API Namespace

A namespace provides a way of categorizing classes.

Application Engineering Professional Services

Designed to fill in the blanks on your project, this option is useful when you need either a turn-key solution, or when you've hit a rough spot and your deadlines are looming.

Application Search

A programmatic search that does not just deliver results based on a site visitor's query but rather based on criteria that includes queries on text, metadata, properties, and more.

Approval chains

Similar to permissions in that they restrict publishing rights to a given piece of content. In Ektron, these refer to a linear workflow, ...

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