Client using a Web service

We only create a simple client that uses the Web service we created from the Banking session EJB. We already have a client project for Web service clients, ItsoBank5WebClient.

We mirror the servlet banking client from ItsoBank5Web, but instead of using the session bean, we use the Web service through the proxy:

  • In the ItsoBank5WebClient project, create a package named itso.bank5.servlet.client.
  • Create a servlet named BankingServletClient. In the editor, copy the code from the BankingServlet, and make these changes:
    								import itso.bank5.session.*;
    								import itso.bank5.exception.InsufficientFundException;
    								import itso.bank5.utility.*;
    import javax.ejb.EJBException;
    								import javax.naming.*;
    								import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject; ...

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