
The animal on the cover of Effective UI is a rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), a small, brightly colored species of parrot found primarily in northern and eastern Australia. It inhabits all types of forests (rainforests, open forests, and mangrove forests) as well as heaths, parks, and orchards.

Named for its multicolored plumage, this striking bird features almost every color of the rainbow: it sports a dark blue or violet head and stomach; an emerald green back, tail, and vent; a deep orange breast and beak; and accents of yellow and red. Its adult height is about 12 inches and it weighs approximately 5 ounces. Its physical characteristics also include a short curved beak and small feet with two toes aiming frontward and two aiming backward. Unlike many other species of birds, males and females are difficult to distinguish, though females may be a bit smaller.

The rainbow lorikeet’s diet consists of flowers, pollen, nectar, seeds, insects, and some fruit. It employs the sharp point of its beak to rip at fruits and flowers, and then uses its paintbrush-like tongue to lick the juice or nectar. The tip of the tongue is covered with hairy projections called papillae that enable the birds to more easily catch pollen and extract nectar. They are often observed hanging upside down as they feed, grasping tree branches with their powerful claws.

Rainbow lorikeets can be very noisy (they have a shrill call while flying and chatter while eating), active, and gregarious. ...

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