
Both test cases have identical expressions setting up the ledger test double. You can remove the duplication by moving these into a common before hook. Place the following code just inside the first context block:

 let​(​:expense​) { { ​'some'​ => ​'data'​ } }
 before​ ​do
 allow​(ledger).to receive(​:record​)
  .and_return(​true​, 417, ​nil​))

Now, remove the setup code from both examples:

 it​ ​'returns the expense id'​ ​do
  post ​'/expenses'​, JSON.generate(expense)
  parsed = JSON.parse(last_response.body)
 expect​(parsed).to ​include​(​'expense_id'​ => 417) ...

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