The Launching Phase of an Extreme SDPM Strategy for the INSPIRE Model

The Launching Phase of an Extreme SDPM strategy for the INSPIRE model occurs once after the INitiate Phase and then after each SPeculate Phase, as illustrated in Figure 34-2.

Figure 34-2. The Launching Phase of an Extreme SDPM strategy for the INSPIRE model

The Launching Phase of the Extreme SDPM strategy for the INSPIRE model and the Adaptive SDPM strategy for the Adaptive Project Framework model bear a lot of similarity. In the case of the Adaptive model the focus is on discovering missing functions and features and hence the complete solution, whereas in the Extreme model the focus is on discovering the goal, missing functions, missing features, and hence the complete goal and solution. For the INSPIRE model, that is a challenging task. The Adaptive models know where they are going as far as defining an acceptable solution. The Extreme models do not. That’s the challenge of Extreme projects—setting out on a journey to solve a problem that is not clearly specified. Obviously, launching such projects requires a team that thinks outside of the box and is not afraid to take risks.

The first part of the Launching Phase focuses on establishing the rules of the engagement for the entire project. These are not unlike previous rules establishment for problem solving, change management, brainstorming, conflict resolution ...

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