The Launching Phase of an Adaptive SDPM Strategy for the Adaptive Software Development Model

Figure 27-3 illustrates the Launching Phase of an Adaptive SDPM strategy for the Adaptive Software Development model.

Figure 27-3. The Launching Phase of an Adaptive SDPM strategy for the Adaptive Software Development model

Note that the Launching Phase of an Adaptive SDPM strategy for the Adaptive Software Development model is more involved than in the case of the Launching Phase for the Adaptive Project Framework model. The reason is that the Learning Loop may identify technical changes that require a change of team in preparation for the next cycle. That change is identified during the Adaptive Cycle Plan Phase for the just completed cycle. The new team members go through an orientation program to bring them up to speed with the current solution and past cycle deliverables. They also need to be oriented to the rules of the engagement as previously established by the continuing members of the project team.

In the initial cycle, the team has established the rules of the engagement. At the completion of the initial cycle several questions can be asked about how the cycle went.

  • How well did the rules work? New teams may need some adjustments to the rules. They may have been too confining or added too much overhead for the value received. The team will probably have some suggestions to ...

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