The Monitoring and Controlling Phase of an Iterative SDPM Strategy for the Evolutionary Development Waterfall Model

The Monitoring and Controlling Phase of an Iterative SDPM strategy for the Evolutionary Waterfall model has all three of the considerations stated in the previous section for the generic Iterative SDPM strategy. Figure 21-5 highlights the Monitoring and Controlling Phase of an Iterative SDPM strategy for the Evolutionary Development Waterfall model.

Figure 21-5. The Monitoring and Controlling Phase of an Iterative SDPM strategy for the Evolutionary Development Waterfall model

First note that Systems Design is a systems development phase that is not part of the iterations that define this SDPM strategy. Systems Design is done once with all of the functions having been identified and a number of features also identified for each function. While the systems design may be high level in some aspects, it is relatively complete at the outset. The iterations then focus on further refinement of existing features or the identification of new features. As noted previously in the chapter, the number and frequency of scope change requests is an indicator of the degree to which the solution is incomplete. Tracking the number or cumulative number of scope change requests over time is a recommended metric. Initially you might expect a higher frequency of scope change requests. ...

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