Section F The Owner and Client

There is no doubt that the client or owner as initiator of the project bears a major burden in making the project a success. The key initiatives that are essential and that the client project manager must be deeply involved with are:

  • To identify very clearly the scope of work for the project and what, exactly, is to be delivered (see Part IV, Section F Scope).
  • To determine the most appropriate contracting strategy to be used to effectively deliver the scope of work for the project (see Part III Section B Contracting Strategy Considerations).
  • To pick the team, design the organizational structure, and identify the skills required to manage the contracts selected (see Part V, Section Q, subsection1, Selecting the Team).
  • The project manager then has to provide the leadership and guidance, which will allow the selected team to deliver the project safely, on schedule, and at the lowest possible cost (see Part VI, Section B Leadership and the earlier Section D on The Project Management Role).

1 Some Fundamentals


Ensure that the contractor's (and your own) safety culture is aligned to your expectations and actively maintained at all times.


Agree on the level of contractor resources to be provided. Put penalties in place to ensure key personnel are maintained.


Clearly identify all deliverables and exactly what form they will take.


Document control and project reporting are boring subjects to most people but critical ...

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