How to Plan a TPM Project

This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.

— Winston Churchill, English Prime Minister

The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait 'til that other is ready.

— Henry David Thoreau, American naturalist

Every moment spent planning saves three or four in execution.

— Crawford Greenwalt, President, DuPont

The hammer must be swung in cadence, when more than one is hammering the iron.

— Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher


After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of planning a project
  • Understand the purpose of the Joint Project Planning Session (JPPS)
  • Know how to plan a JPPS
  • Know the contents of the project proposal
  • Recognize the difference between activities and tasks
  • Understand the importance of the completeness criteria to your ability to manage the work of the project
  • Explain the approaches to building the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • Generate a WBS from the RBS
  • Use the WBS as a planning tool and reporting tool
  • Understand top-down versus bottom-up processes for building the WBS
  • Define a work package and its purposes
  • Understand the difference between effort and duration
  • Explain the relationship between resource loading and task duration
  • List and explain the causes of variation in task duration
  • Use any one of six task-duration estimation methods
  • Understand the process of creating cost estimates at the task level ...

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