Uploading the nonlinear data to Redshift

We first need to create the table that will host the data. We will call that table nonlinear. It only has three columns: an index, the predictor X, and the outcome y:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nonlinear (  id integer primary key,  x1 real,  y real);

Once the table is created, we can upload the CSV file to S3, connect to the database, and import the data in the non-linear table with the command:

copy nonlinear from 's3://aml.packt/data/ch9/nonlinear.csv' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<access key id>;aws_secret_access_key=<access secret key>' CSV;

We can verify that the nonlinear table now has a thousand rows with the query:

$ psql $REDSHIFT_CONNECT -c "select count(*) from nonlinear" > count> 1000 ...

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