Sentiment analysis with TextBlob

TextBlob gives you sentiment analysis, scoring, and classification in a couple of Python lines. For the given a text, initialize a TextBlob instance, and retrieve its polarity with these two lines of code:

from textblob import TextBlobprint(TextBlob(text).sentiment)

The TextBlob sentiment object has a polarity and a subjectivity score. The polarity of a text ranges from -1 to +1, negative to positive, and the subjectivity from 0 to 1, very objective to very subjective. For instance, the sentence I love brocoli returns Sentiment(polarity=0.5, subjectivity=0.6), while the sentence I hate brocoli returns a sentiment of Sentiment(polarity=-0.8, subjectivity=0.9).  We can add the TextBlob sentiment whenever we ...

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