Picking up CLI syntax

The overall format of any AWS CLI command is as follows:

$ aws <service> [options] <command> <subcommand> [parameters]

Here the terms are stated as:

  • <service>: Is the name of the service you are managing: S3, machine learning, and EC2
  • [options] : Allows you to set the region, the profile, and the output of the command
  • <command> <subcommand>: Is the actual command you want to execute
  •  [parameters] : Are the parameters for these commands

A simple example will help you understand the syntax better. To list the content of an S3 bucket named aml.packt, the command is as follows:

$ aws s3 ls aml.packt

Here, s3 is the service, ls is the command, and aml.packt is the parameter. The aws help command will output a list of ...

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