
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

AC/DC converter control, 280
auxiliary wind turbine pitch angle control, 284
case study, 284
grid side
inverter, 282, 282f
VSC disconnection, 286–287
induction generators, 285
transient three-phase AC grid fault, 286
wind farm converter control, 282–283, 283f
Acoustic emission (AE), 228–229
Active stall regulation, 265
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 339–342
deployment, 343–346
key components, 339–340
launching operation, 352–356
operation performance, 355f
Schneider electric experience, 342–343
smart metering infrastructure, 356–361
Turnkey approach, 342f
Air gap flux ...

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