How to do it...

  1. Open your command-line application, and navigate to your workspace.
  2. Create a new folder named 10-01-using-find-and-filter.
  3. Copy or create an index.html that loads and runs a main function from main.js.
  4. Create a main.js file that defines a new abstract class named Rocket. Assign a name instance property upon construction:
// main.js 
class Rocket { 
  constructor(name) { = name; 
  1. Create a main function that constructs several Rocket instances:
// main.js 
export function main() { 
  const saturnV = new Rocket('US: Saturn V'); 
  const falconHeavy = new Rocket('US: Falcon Heavy'); 
  const longMarch = new Rocket('CN: Long March'); 
  const rockets = [saturnV, falconHeavy, longMarch]; 
  1. Use the find method to locate the first ...

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