Time for action – using subtasks and sub-progress monitors

When performing a set of operations, subtasks can give the user additional details about the state of the operation. A subtask is merely a named message that is displayed along with the task name in the Progress view.

  1. Add a monitor.subTask during the operation to give feedback:
    for (int i=0; i<50 && !monitor.isCanceled(); i++) {
      if (i == 10) {
        monitor.subTask("Doing something");
      } else if (i == 25) {
        monitor.subTask("Doing something else");
      } else if (i == 40) {
        monitor.subTask("Nearly there");
  2. Run the Eclipse instance, and look at the Progress view. The subtask should be shown underneath the status bar:
  3. When calling another method with a progress ...

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