Chapter 11 – Automated Testing of Plug-ins

Understanding swtbot

1. The unit runner that is required is SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner, which is set up with an annotation @RunWith(SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner.class).

2. Views are set up by driving the menu to perform the equivalent of Window | Show View | Other… and driving the value of the dialog.

3. To get the text value of a dialog, use textWithLabel to find the text field next to the associated label, and then get or set the text from that.

4. A Matcher is used to encode a specific condition, such as a view or window with a particular title. It can be handed over to the SWTBot runner to execute in the UI thread and return a value when it is done.

5. To get values from the UI, use a StringResult (or other equivalent ...

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