
Eclipse user forums are hosted on using ordinary newsgroups. All newsgroup content is protected by a password in order to control spam. To get the password, go to the Eclipse home page and select the "newsgroups/user forum" link; you should see a link to request a password. Submit your information and the password will be mailed to you.

Although there is a web-based interface for the forums, the best way to participate is to use a rich client news reader, such as Thunderbird ( Enter the news server name (, the userid, and the password in the appropriate place for your reader.

Here are a few newsgroups that I recommend you start with:


Ask questions about downloading, installing, and getting started with Eclipse in this newsgroup.


Come here to participate in technical discussions about how to use or extend Eclipse.


This group is for technical discussions about how to use the Java Development Tools.

This forum is for general discussions pertaining to the Eclipse Foundation and its communities and governance.


This group is intended to allow commercial vendors to post product releases and information about commercial products based on Eclipse.

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