About the Creative Team

Sarah Milstein (editor) is O'Reilly's senior editor for Missing Manuals. Her favorite curtains are from eBay. Email: .

Emily Moore (editor) Emily Moore has authored or edited 13 books to date (including this fine tome). She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband and daughter. Email: .

Michele Filshie (editor) is O'Reilly's assistant editor for Missing Manuals and editor of four Personal Trainers (another O'Reilly series). Before turning to the world of computer-related books, Michele was all literature, all the time, and spent many happy years at Black Sparrow Press. She lives in Sebastopol and loves to get involved in local politics. Email: .

Drue Miller (tech reviewer) is a writer, designer, and avid collector of mid-century glassware, vintage clothing, and really bad clown art. Since 1998 Drue has bought and sold many items on eBay, both for herself and for others as an eBay Trading Assistant. Drue was also the Director of Research at AuctionDrop, the first nationwide eBay drop-off service. She is also the co-creator of WhoWouldBuyThat.com, a Weblog of weird eBay auctions. Drue lives in Silicon Valley with her husband. Email: .

Shauna Wright (tech reviewer) is an aspiring law student, a regular contributor to eBay's Answer Center boards, and the co-creator of WhoWouldBuyThat.com. She lives on the beach near San Francisco with her four cats, none of whom appreciate the scenery as much as she does. Email: .

Andy Carciere (tech reviewer) served for 25 years as a school administrator. During those years, he championed the use of technology as a tool to enhance learning. Andy currently consults with districts and schools on the administrative and instructional use of technology to improve the teaching and learning process. He also is working on a project to use achievement data to monitor student progress and guide instruction. Email: .

Rose Cassano (cover illustration) has worked as an independent designer and illustrator for 20 years. Her assignments have ranged from the nonprofit sector to corporate clientele. She lives in beautiful Southern Oregon, grateful for the miracles of modern technology that make working there a reality. Email: . Web: www.rosecassano.com.

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