
ALIGN — NN n/a IE 4 HTML 4




Controls the alignment of the LEGEND element with respect to the containing FIELDSET element. The permissible values do not always work as planned in Internet Explorer 4. For example, the bottom value displays the label at the top left of the fieldset rectangle—so does the top value, although it is supposed to be centered along the top. The other values (center, left, and right) work as expected, but on the Macintosh, the center and right settings inexplicably widen the fieldset rectangle. Be sure to check your desired setting on both operating system platforms.

The ALIGN attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of style sheets. But even a style sheet won’t position a label along the bottom of a fieldset in Internet Explorer 4.


<LEGEND ALIGN="right">Credit Card Information</LEGEND>


Allowed values in HTML 4.0 are bottom | left | right | top. IE 4 adds center.



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