
SRC — NN 2 IE 3 HTML 4




Defines the URL of the content to be loaded into the FRAME element. The URL can be an absolute URL or one relative to the URL of the document containing the frameset specifications. You may also use the javascript: pseudo-URL to have the returned value of a script appear in the frame. For example, if you want a frame to be blank when the frameset loads, you can define a function in the frameset document that returns a blank HTML page. The SRC attribute for each soon-to-be blank frame invokes the function from the vantage point of the child frame:

function blank() {
    return "<HTML></HTML>"
<FRAMESET COLS="50%,50%">
    <FRAME NAME=leftFrame SRC="javascript:parent.blank()">
    <FRAME NAME=rightFrame SRC="javascript:parent.blank()">

Another type of blank page is available from some browsers and versions via the about:blank URL, which draws from an internal blank page. However, Navigator 2 and 3 for the Macintosh display an unwanted message with this URL in a window or frame.


<FRAME SRC="navbar.html">


A complete or relative URL or a javascript: pseudo-URL.



Object Model Reference



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