
list-style — NN n/a IE 4 CSS 1


Inherited: Yes

A shorthand attribute for setting up to three list-style attributes in one assignment statement. Whichever attributes you don’t explicitly set with this attribute assume their initial values. These attributes define display characteristics for the markers automatically rendered for list items inside OL and UL elements.

CSS Syntax

list-style: list-style-type || list-style-position || list-style-image


See the individual attribute entries for list-style-type, list-style-position, and list-style-image for details on acceptable values for each. You may include one, two, or all three values in the list-style attribute setting in any order you wish.

Initial Value



UL {list-style: square outside none}

Applies To

DD, DT, LI, OL, and UL elements and any other element assigned the display:list-item style attribute.

Object Model Reference



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