
COORDS — NN n/a IE n/a HTML 4


COORDS=”coord1, ... coordN"


When a link surrounds an image, this attribute defines the coordinate points (relative to the top-left corner of the element) associated with an area map.


<A HREF="#bottom" SHAPE="rect" COORDS="30, 30, 60, 45">
    <IMG SRC="nav.jpg" HEIGHT="50" WIDTH="90" BORDER="0"> 


Each coordinate is a length value, but the number of coordinates and their order depend on the shape specified by the SHAPE attribute, which may optionally be associated with the element. For SHAPE="rect", there are four coordinates (left, top, right, bottom); for SHAPE="circle", there are three coordinates (center-x, center-y, radius); for SHAPE="poly", there are two coordinate values for each point that defines the shape of the polygon (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3,...xN, yN).



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