PART I Business Sustainability

The United Nations outlined on its website that “sustainability calls for a decent standard of living for everyone today without compromising the needs of future generations.”

We are all partners in maintaining sustainability of our world’s quality, environment, health, and safety management, impacting billions of people around the world. Global adversity trends include: food scarcity, depletion of natural resources, major climate change, water quality, extinction of animals, quality control on products, and globalization—carrying out business around the world.

The role of companies has been changing, especially in developing countries, where it is crucial for businesses that enter into these marketplaces to go beyond their core business lines and help to improve education, protect the environment, and address poverty and human rights, and, as a result, enhance their reputations and business models.

Many industries have been criticized for their lack of sustainability practices for some time now. In response, governments are implementing new legislation and regulations to provide accelerated changes in areas related to climate change, energy conservation, and the health and safety of workers.

Companies at first viewed the “green” movement as a threat. Today “going green” helps companies stay out of the “red” with actions taken to reduce consumption of energy and alternate methods for energy and management of resources. This is what I call the ...

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