1.   Ann Crittenden, “On Top of Everything Else: A journalist, wife, and mother searches for answers to our headlong descent into multitasking madness,” New York Times Book Review, March 30, 2014.

2.   Tim Armstrong, conversation with author, May 2, 2014.

3.   The official diagnostic manual covers only ADHD. It has two subtypes: primarily inattentive or combined. The primarily inattentive subtype is ADHD without the H, without the symptom of hyperactivity. It is what the general public calls ADD. The combined subtype includes the symptom of hyperactivity, so it is ADHD with the H. Unnecessarily confusing? Yes, indeed.

4.   Leslie Taylor, “Price Tag for Lost Productivity: $544 Billion,” Inc., August 21, 2006, ...

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