
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables, respectively


Aripar-GIS Software, DSSs
advantages vs. disadvantages, 310–311
damage and vulnerability maps, 309
equipment-specific damage models, 309
features, 309–310
multistep procedure, 308, 308t
risk assessment tool, 307–308
threshold values, 308–309


Bayesian analysis
AND gate conditional probability, 225, 225t
conditional probability, 224–225, 225t
definition, 220–221
first-level domino effect, 224
flowchart, 221, 222f
joint probability distribution, 223–224
modified BN, 224f, 225
propagation pattern, 221, 223, 223f
second-level domino effect, 225
Business continuity planning (BCP), 280–281


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes, 230
and FEM, 237–239
fire ...

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