
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Appreciate the common design challenges (tabbed layouts, for example) that layout dijits alleviate

  • Understand the basic features provided by the various layout dijits

  • Create arbitrary layouts with the layout dijits both in markup and programmatically

  • Use BorderContainer to create flexible, tiled layouts that can arbitrarily resize

  • Use ContentPane to lazy load content either as a standalone or as part of another dijit

  • Use StackContainer and TabContainer to display multiple pages of data in an application

  • Understand some of the considerations with respect to initially displaying layout dijts as being hidden

  • Understand the existing limitations of AccordionPane with respect to embedding layout dijits

  • Understand the role that the base classes _Container and _Contained play with the layout dijits

Application widgets are coming up next.

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