
After reading this chapter, you should:

  • Be able to explain how dijits encapsulate the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a standalone, portable unit of code

  • Understand the key lifecycle events that _Widget provides with stub methods, including the order they execute and the stubs they provide

  • Understand how _Templated acts as a mixin ancestor for _Widget and provides supplemental functionality for adding template support to dijits

  • Understand the differences and trade-offs between using templatePath and templateString in templated dijits

  • Be able to successfully manipulate a dijit's template before it is displayed on screen

  • Be able to pass in parameters to dijits through their templates

  • Be able to programmatically create a widget and place it into the page

  • Know how to add support for DOM events such as onmouseover in your dijits

  • Be able to use Declaration to rapidly prototype in markup

A discussion of form widgets is next.

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