

+ (addition operator), 2

{} (curly brackets), to define a set, 122

δ (delta), 184

/ (division operator), 2

ε (epsilon), 192, 197–199

== (equality operator), 124

e (Euler’s number), 179

** (exponential operator), 3

// (floor division operator), 2–3

j (imaginary number, in Python), 6

∫ (integral), 200

∩ (intersection), 127

λ (lambda), 192, 197–199

% (modulo operator), 3

* (multiplication operator), 2

π (pi), 129, 147

- (subtraction operator), 2

θ(theta), 49

→ (transformation), 158

∪ (union), 126


abs() function, 7

acos() function, 179

algebraic expressions. See expressions

Anaconda software installer, 213–214


of a growing circle, 153–155

of a projectile’s trajectory, 156–158

animation module, 154

Anscombe, Francis, “Graphs ...

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