Chapter 4. Docker Configuration and Development

4.0 Introduction

If you have read all the chapters so far, you have learned all the basics of using Docker. You can install the Docker engine, start and manage containers, create and share images, and you have a good understanding of container networking including networking across multiple hosts. This chapter will now look at more advanced Docker topics, first for developers and then for configuration.

Recipe 4.1 looks at how to configure the Docker engine, then Recipe 4.2 shows how to compile Docker from source. Recipe 4.3 presents how to run all the tests to verify your build and Recipe 4.4 shows how to use this newly built binary instead of the official released Docker engine.

Developers might also want to look at the nsenter utility in Recipe 4.5. While not needed for using Docker, it is of use to better understand how Docker leverages Linux namespaces to create containers. Recipe 4.6 is a sneak peek at the underlying library used to managed containers. Originally called libcontainer, runc has been donated to the Open Container Initiative to be the seed source code to help drive a standard for container runtime and image format.

To dive deeper into configuration and how to access the Docker engine, Recipe 4.7 presents how to access Docker remotely and Recipe 4.8 introduces the application programming interface (API) exposed by Docker. The Docker client uses this API to manage containers. Accessing this API remotely and securely is described in Recipe 4.9, it shows how to set up TLS-based access to the Docker engine. To finish the configuration topics, Recipe 4.12 shows how to change the underlying storage driver that provides a union filesystem to support Docker images.

If you are a user of Docker, you will benefit from looking at Recipe 4.10 and Recipe 4.11. These two recipes present docker-py, a Python module to communicate with the Docker API. This is not the only client library available for Docker, but it provides an easy entrypoint to learn the API.

4.1 Managing and Configuring the Docker Daemon


You would like to start, stop, and restart the Docker daemon. Additionally, you would like to configure it in specific ways, potentially changing things such as the path to the Docker binary or using a different network bridge.


Use the docker init script to manage the Docker daemon. On most Ubuntu/Debian-based systems, it will be located in the /etc/init.d/docker file. Like most other init services, it can be managed via the service command. The Docker daemon runs as root:

# service docker status
docker start/running, process 2851
# service docker stop
docker stop/waiting
# service docker start
docker start/running, process 3119

The configuration file is located in /etc/default/docker. On Ubuntu systems, all configuration variables are commented out. The /etc/default/docker file looks like this:

# Docker Upstart and SysVinit configuration file

# Customize location of Docker binary (especially for development testing).

# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
#DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"

# If you need Docker to use an HTTP proxy, it can also be specified here.
#export http_proxy=""

# This is also a handy place to tweak where Docker's temporary files go.
#export TMPDIR="/mnt/bigdrive/docker-tmp"

For example, if you wanted to configure the daemon to listen on a TCP socket to enable remote API access, you would edit this file as explained in Recipe 4.7.


On systemd-based systems like Ubuntu 15.05 or CentOS 7, you need to modify the systemd unit file for Docker. It can be located in the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d directory or it can be the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service file. For more details on Docker daemon configuration using systemd, see this article from the Docker documentation.

Finally, although you can start Docker as a Linux daemon, you can also start it interactively by using the docker -d command or, starting with Docker 1.8, the docker daemon command. You would then pass the options directly to the command. Check the help to see what options can be set:

$ docker daemon --help

Usage:  docker daemon [OPTIONS]

Enable daemon mode

 --api-cors-header=                   Set CORS headers in the remote API
 -b, --bridge=                        Attach containers to a network bridge
 --bip=                               Specify network bridge IP
 -D, --debug=false                    Enable debug mode
 --default-gateway=                   Container default gateway IPv4 address

4.2 Compiling Your Own Docker Binary from Source


You would like to develop the Docker software and build your own Docker binary.


Use Git to clone the Docker repository from GitHub and use a Makefile to create your own binary.

Docker is built within a Docker container. In a Docker host, you can clone the Docker repository and use the Makefile rules to build a new binary. This binary is obtained by running a privileged Docker container. The Makefile contains several targets, including a binary target:

$ cat Makefile
default: binary

all: build

binary: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary

Therefore, it is as easy as sudo make binary:


The hack directory in the root of the Docker repository has been moved to the project directory. Therefore, the script is in fact at project/ It uses scripts for each bundle that are stored in the project/make/ directory.

$ sudo make binary
docker run --rm -it --privileged \
                    -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER -e TESTDIRS -e TESTFLAGS \
                    -e TIMEOUT \
                    -v "/tmp/docker/bundles:/go/src/\
					    bundles" \
                    "docker:master" hack/ binary

---> Making bundle: binary (in bundles/1.9.0.-dev/binary)
Created binary: \

You see that the binary target of the Makefile will launch a privileged Docker container from the docker:master image, with a set of environment variables, a volume mount, and a call to the hack/ binary command.

With the current state of Docker development, the new binary will be located in the bundles/1.9.0-dev/binary/ directory. The version number might differ, depending on the state of Docker releases.


To ease this process, you can clone the repository that accompanies this cookbook. A Vagrantfile is provided that starts an Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine, installs the latest stable Docker release, and clones the Docker repository:

$ git clone
$ cd docbook/ch04/compile/
$ vagrant up

Once the machine is up, ssh to it and go to the /tmp/docker directory, which should have been created during the Vagrant provisioning process. Then run make. The first time you run the Makefile, the stable Docker version installed on the machine will pull the base image being used by the Docker build process ubuntu:14.04, and then build the docker:master image defined in /tmp/docker/Dockerfile. This can take a bit of time the first time you do it:

$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /tmp/docker
$ sudo make binary
docker build -t "docker:master" .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.95 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04

Once this completes, you will have a new Docker binary:

$ cd bundles/1.9.0-dev/binary/docker
$ ls
docker  docker-1.9.0-dev  docker-1.9.0-dev.md5  docker-1.9.0-dev.sha256

See Also

  • How to contribute to Docker on GitHub

4.3 Running the Docker Test Suite for Docker Development


You have made some changes to the Docker source and have successfully built a new binary. You also need to make sure that you pass all the tests.


Use the Makefile test target to run the four sets of tests present in the Docker source. Alternatively, pick only the set of tests that matters to you:

$ cat Makefile
test: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary cross \
                                    test-unit test-integration \
                                    test-integration-cli test-docker-py
test-unit: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ test-unit

test-integration: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ test-integration

test-integration-cli: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary test-integration-cli

test-docker-py: build
  $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary test-docker-py

You can see in the Makefile that you can choose which set of tests you want to run. If you run all of them with make test, it will also build the binary:

$ sudo make test
---> Making bundle: test-docker-py (in bundles/1.9.0-dev/test-docker-py)
+++ exec docker --daemon --debug --storage-driver vfs \
                -exec-driver native \
                --pidfile \
                /go/src/ \
Ran 56 tests in 75.366s


Depending on test coverage, if all the tests pass, you have some confidence that your new binary works.

See Also

4.4 Replacing Your Current Docker Binary with a New One


You have built a new Docker binary and run the unit and integration tests described in Recipe 4.2 and Recipe 4.3. Now you would like to use this new binary on your host.


Start from within the virtual machine setup in Recipe 4.2.

Stop the current Docker daemon. On Ubuntu 14.04, edit the /etc/default/docker file to uncomment the DOCKER variable that defines where to find the binary and set it to DOCKER="/usr/local/bin/docker". Copy the new binary to /usr/local/bin/docker, and finally, restart the Docker daemon:

$ pwd
$ sudo service docker stop
docker stop/waiting
$ sudo vi /etc/default/docker
$ sudo cp bundles/1.8.0-dev/binary/docker-8.0-dev /usr/local/bin/docker
$ sudo cp bundles/1.8.0-dev/binary/docker-1.8.0-dev /usr/bin/docker
$ sudo service docker restart
stop: Unknown instance:
$ docker version
 Version:      1.8.0-dev
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   3e596da
 Built:        Tue Aug 11 16:51:56 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      1.8.0-dev
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   3e596da
 Built:        Tue Aug 11 16:51:56 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

You are now using the latest Docker version from the master development branch (i.e., master branch at Git commit 3e596da at the time of this writing).


The Docker bootstrap script used in the Vagrant virtual machine provisioning installs the latest stable version of Docker with the following:

sudo curl -sSL | sudo sh

This puts the Docker binary in /usr/bin/docker. This may conflict with your new binary installation. Either remove it or replace it with the new one if you see any conflicts when running docker version.

4.5 Using nsenter


You would like to enter a container for debugging purposes, you are using a Docker version older than 1.3.1, or you do not want to use the docker exec command.


Use nsenter. Starting with Docker 1.3, docker exec allows you to easily enter a running container, so there is no need to do things like running an SSH server and exposing port 22 or using the now deprecated attach command.

nsenter was created to solve the problem of entering the namespace (hence, nsenter) of a container prior to the availability of docker exec. Nonetheless, it is a useful tool that merits a short recipe in this book.

Let’s start a container that sleeps for the duration of this recipe, and for completeness, let’s enter the running container with docker exec:

$ docker pull ubuntu:14.04
$ docker run -d --name sleep ubuntu:14.04 sleep 300
$ docker exec -ti sleep bash

nsenter gives the same result. Conveniently, it comes as an image in Docker Hub. Pull the image, run the container, and use nsenter.

$ docker pull jpetazzo/nsenter
$ sudo docker run docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter

At this time, it is useful to have a look at the Dockerfile for nsenter and check the CMD option. You will see that it runs a script called installer. This small bash script does nothing but detect whether a mount point exists at /target. If it does, it copies a script called docker-enter and a binary called nsenter to that mount point. In the docker run command, since you specified a volume (i.e., -v /usr/local/bin:/target), running the container will have the effect of copying nsenter on your local machine. Quite a nice trick with a powerful effect:

$ which docker-enter nsenter

To copy the files in /usr/local/bin, I run the container with sudo. If you do not want to use this mount-point convenience, you can copy the files locally with a command like this:

$ docker run --rm jpetazzo/nsenter cat /nsenter \
                  > /tmp/nsenter && chmod +x /tmp/nsenter

You are now ready to enter the container. You can pass a command, if you do not want to get an interactive shell in the container:

$ docker-enter sleep
$ docker-enter sleep hostname

docker-enter is nothing more than a wrapper around nsenter. You could use nsenter directly after finding the process ID of the container with docker inspect, like so:

$ docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} sleep
$ sudo nsenter --target 9302 --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid


Starting with Docker 1.3, you do not need to use nsenter; use docker exec instead:

$ docker exec -h

Usage: docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

Run a command in a running container

  -d, --detach=false         Detached mode: run command in the background
  --help=false               Print usage
  -i, --interactive=false    Keep STDIN open even if not attached
  -t, --tty=false            Allocate a pseudo-TTY

See Also

4.6 Introducing runc


You want to become familiar with the upcoming standard around the container format and runtime runc.


The Open Container Project (OCP) was established in June 2015, and the specifications coming from that project are still not done. However, Docker Inc. donated its libcontainer codebase as an early implementation of a standard runtime for containers. This runtime is called runc.


The OCP was just launched, so the specifications are not out yet. Expect many changes until the specifications and reference implementations are considered stable and official.

This recipe will give you a quick feel for runc, including instructions to compile the Go codebase. As always, I prepared a Vagrant box that gives you a Docker host, a Go 1.4.2 installation, and a clone of the runc code. To get started with this box, use the following:

$ git clone
$ cd dockbook/ch04/runc
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Once you are on a terminal inside this VM, you need to grab all the dependencies of runc by using the go get command. Once this completes, you can build runc and install. Verify that you have a running runc in your path:


Expect a change in the build process sometime soon. Most likely the build will use Docker itself.

$ cd go/src
$ go get
$ cd
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ runc -v
runc version 0.2

To run a container with runc, you need a root filesystem describing your container image. The easiest way to get one is to use Docker itself and the docker export command. So let’s pull a Docker image, start a container, and export it to a tarball:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir foobar
$ cd foobar
$ docker run --name foobar -d ubuntu:14.04 sleep 30
$ docker export -o foobar.tar foobar
$ sudo -xf foobar.tar
$ rm foobar.tar

To run this container, you need to generate a configuration file. This is most easily done with the runc spec command. To get a container started quickly, you will need to get only one change, which is the location of the root filesystem. In that JSON file, edit the path to it; you see an excerpt here:

$ runc spec > config.json
$ vi config.json
  "root": {
    "path": "./",
    "readonly": true

You are now ready to start your container with runc as root, and you will get a shell inside your container:

$ sudo runc

This is the low-level plumbing of Docker and what should evolve to become the Open Container standard runtime. You can now explore the configuration file and see how you can define a start-up command for your container, as well as a network namespace and various volume mounts.


The Open Container Project is good news. In late 2014, CoreOS had started developing an open standard for container images, including a new trust mechanism, appc. CoreOS also developed a container runtime implementation for running appc-based containers. As part of the OCP, appc developers will help develop the new runc specification. This will avoid fragmentation in the container image format and runtime implementation.

If you look at an application container image (i.e., ACI) manifest, you will see high similarities with the configuration file obtained from runc spec in the preceding solution section. You might see some of the rkt implementation features being ported back into runc.


If you care about standards, watch the specifications coming out of the Open Container Project.

See Also

4.7 Accessing the Docker Daemon Remotely


The default Docker daemon listens on a local Unix socket, /var/run/docker.sock, which is accessible only locally. However, you would like to access your Docker host remotely, calling the Docker API from a different machine.


Switch the listening protocol that the Docker daemon is using by editing the configuration file in /etc/default/docker and issue a remote API call.

In /etc/default/docker, add a line that sets DOCKER_HOST to use tcp on port 2375. Then restart the Docker daemon with sudo service docker restart:

$ cat /etc/default/docker
# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
#DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp://"

You will then be able to use the Docker client by specifying a host accessed using TCP:

$ docker -H tcp:// images
REPOSITORY      TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
ubuntu          14.04           04c5d3b7b065    6 days ago      192.7 MB

This method is unencrypted and unauthenticated. You should not use this on a publicly routable host. This would expose your Docker daemon to anyone. You will need to properly secure your Docker daemon if you want to do this in production. (See Recipe 4.9.)


With the Docker daemon listening over TCP you can now use curl to make API calls and explore the response. This is a good way to learn the Docker remote API:

$ curl -s | python -m json.tool
        "Created": 1418673175,
        "Id": "04c5d3b7b0656168630d3ba35d8889bdaafcaeb32bfbc47e7c5d35d2",
        "ParentId": "d735006ad9c1b1563e021d7a4fecfd384e2a1c42e78d8261b83d6271",
        "RepoTags": [
        "Size": 0,
        "VirtualSize": 192676726

We pipe the output of the curl command through python -m json.tool to make the JSON object that is returned readable. And the -s option removes the information of the data transfer.

4.8 Exploring the Docker Remote API to Automate Docker Tasks


After being able to access the Docker daemon remotely (see Recipe 4.7), you want to explore the Docker remote API in order to write programs. This will allow you to automate Docker tasks.


The Docker remote API is fully documented. It is currently on version 1.21. It is a REST API, in the sense that it manipulates resources (e.g., images and containers) through HTTP calls using various HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST, DELETE). The attach and pull APIs are not purely REST, as noted in the documentation.

You already saw how to make the Docker daemon listen on a TCP socket (Recipe 4.7) and use curl to make API calls. Tables 4-1 and 4-2 show a summary of the remote API calls that are available.

Table 4-1. A sample of the API for container actions
Action on containers HTTP method URI

List containers



Create container



Inspect a container



Start a container



Stop a container



Restart a container



Kill a container



Pause a container



Remove a container



Table 4-2. A sample of the API for image actions
Action on images HTTP method URI

List images



Create an image



Tag an image into a repository



Remove an image



Search images



For example, let’s download the Ubuntu 14.04 image from the public registry (a.k.a. Docker Hub), create a container from that image, and start it. Remove it and then remove the image. Note that in this toy example, running the container will cause it to exit immediately because you are not passing any commands:

$ curl -X POST -d "fromImage=ubuntu" -d "tag=14.04"
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
               -d '{"Image":"ubuntu:14.04"}'
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND         CREATED         STATUS   ...
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND         CREATED         STATUS   ...
6b6bd46f483a    ubuntu:14.04    "/bin/bash"     16 seconds ago           ...
$ curl -X POST
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND         CREATED              ...
6b6bd46f483a    ubuntu:14.04    "/bin/bash"     About a minute ago   ...

Now let’s clean things up:

$ curl -X DELETE
$ curl -X DELETE
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND         CREATED         STATUS   ...
$ docker images
REPOSITORY      TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE

After enabling remote API access, you can set the DOCKER_HOST variable to its HTTP endpoint. This relieves you from passing it to the docker command as an -H option. For example, instead of docker -H ps, you can use export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// and you will be able to simply use docker ps.


Although you can use curl or write your own client, existing Docker clients like docker-py (see Recipe 4.10) can ease calling the API.

The list of APIs presented in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 is not exhaustive, and you should check the complete API documentation for all API calls, query parameters, and response examples.

4.9 Securing the Docker Daemon for Remote Access


You need to access your Docker daemon remotely and securely.


Set up TLS-based access to your Docker daemon. This will use public-key cryptography to encrypt and authenticate communication between a Docker client and the Docker daemon that you have set up with TLS.

The basic steps to test this security feature are described on the Docker website. However, it shows how to create your own certificate authority (CA) and sign server and client certificates using the CA. In a properly set up infrastructure, you need to contact the CA that you use routinely and ask for server certificates.

To conveniently test this TLS setup, I created an image containing a script that creates the CA and the server and client certificates and keys. You can use this image to create a container and generate all the needed files.

You start with an Ubuntu 14.04 machine, running the latest Docker version (see Recipe 1.1). Download the image and start a container. You will need to mount a volume from your host and bind mount it to the /tmp/ca inside the Docker container. You will also need to pass the hostname as an argument to running the container (in the following example, <hostname>). Once you are done running the container, all CA, server, and client keys and certificates will be available in your working directory:

$ docker pull runseb/dockertls
$ docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/tmp/ca runseb/dockertls <hostname>
$ ls
cakey.pem  ca.pem  clientcert.pem  client.csr  clientkey.pem
extfile.cnf  servercert.pem  server.csr  serverkey.pem

Stop the running Docker daemon. Create an /etc/docker directory and a ~/.docker directory. Copy the CA, server key, and server certificates to /etc/docker. Copy the CA, client key, and certificate to ~/.docker:

$ sudo service docker stop
$ sudo mkdir /etc/docker
$ mkdir ~/.docker
$ sudo cp {ca,servercert,serverkey}.pem /etc/docker
$ cp ca.pem ~/.docker/
$ cp clientkey.pem ~/.docker/key.pem
$ cp clientcert.pem ~/.docker/cert.pem

Edit the /etc/default/docker (you need to be root) configuration file to specify DOCKER_OPTS (replace test with your own hostname):

DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp://<test>:2376 --tlsverify \
                                  --tlscacert=/etc/docker/ca.pem \
                                  --tlscert=/etc/docker/servercert.pem \

Then restart the Docker service with sudo service docker restart and try to connect to the Docker daemon:

$ docker -H tcp://test:2376 --tlsverify images
REPOSITORY          TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
runseb/dockertls    latest          5ed60e0f6a7c    17 minutes ago  214.7 MB



The runseb/dockertls convenience image is automatically built from the Dockerfile. Check it out.

By setting up a few environment variables (DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY), you can easily configure the TLS connection from the CLI:

$ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://test:2376
$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
runseb/dockertls    latest          5ed60e0f6a7c    19 minutes ago  214.7 MB

You can still use curl as discussed in Recipe 4.7, but you need to specify the client key and certificate:

$ curl --insecure --cert ~/.docker/cert.pem --key ~/.docker/key.pem \
       -s https://test:2376/images/json | python -m json.tool
        "Created": 1419280147,
        "Id": "5ed60e0f6a7ce3df3614d20dcadf2e4d43f4054da64d52709c1559ac",
        "ParentId": "138f848eb669500df577ca5b7354cef5e65b3c728b0c241221c611b1",
        "RepoTags": [
        "Size": 0,
        "VirtualSize": 214723529

Note that you used the --insecure curl option, because you created your own certificate authority. By default, curl will check the certificates against the CAs contained in the default CA bundle installed on your server. If you were to get server and client keys and certificates from a trusted CA listed in the default CA bundle, you would not have to make an --insecure connection. However, this does not mean that the connection is not properly using TLS.

4.10 Using docker-py to Access the Docker Daemon Remotely


Although the Docker client is powerful, you would like to access the Docker daemon through a Python client. Specifically, you would like to write a Python program that calls the Docker remote API.


Import the docker-py Python module from Pip. In a Python script or interactive shell, create a connection to a remote Docker daemon and start making API calls.


Although this recipe is about docker-py, it serves as an example that you can use your own client to communicate with the Docker daemon and you are not restricted to the default Docker client. Docker clients exist in several programming languages (e.g., Java, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Scala, Erlang, etc.), and you can write your own by studying the API reference.

docker-py is a Python client for Docker. It can be installed from source or simply fetched from the Python Package Index by using the pip command. First install python-pip, and then get the docker-py package. On Ubuntu 14.04:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install docker-py

The documentation tells you how to create a connection to the Docker daemon. Create an instance of the Client() class by passing it a base_url argument that specifies how the Docker daemon is listening. If it is listening locally on a Unix socket:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from docker import Client
>>> c=Client(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock")
>>> c.containers()

If it is listening over TCP, as you set it up in Recipe 4.7:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from docker import Client
>>> c=Client(base_url="tcp://")
>>> c.containers()

You can explore the methods available via docker-py by using help(c) at the Python prompt in the interactive sessions.


The docker-py module has a few basics documented. Of note is the integration with Boot2Docker (Recipe 1.7), which has a helper function to set up the connection. Since the latest Boot2Docker uses TLS for added security in accessing the Docker daemon, the setup is slightly different than what we presented. In addition, there is currently a bug that is worth mentioning for those who will be interested in testing docker-py.

Start Boot2Docker:

$ boot2docker start
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...
Writing /Users/sebgoa/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/sebgoa/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/sebgoa/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem

To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/sebgoa/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1

This returns a set of environment variables that need to be set. Boot2Docker provides a nice convenience utility, $(boot2docker shellinit), to set everything up. However, for docker-py to work, you need to edit your /etc/hosts file and set a different DOCKER_HOST. In /etc/hosts add a line with the IP of boot2docker and its local DNS name (i.e., boot2docker) and then export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://boot2docker:2376. Then in a Python interactive shell:

>>> from docker.client import Client
>>> from docker.utils import kwargs_from_env
>>> client = Client(**kwargs_from_env())
>>> client.containers()

4.11 Using docker-py Securely


You want to use the docker-py Python client to access a remote Docker daemon set up with TLS secure access.


After setting up a Docker host as explained in Recipe 4.9, verify that you can connect to the Docker daemon with TLS. For example, assuming a host with the hostname dockerpytls and client certificate, key, and CA located in the default location at ~/.docker/, try this:

$ docker -H tcp://dockerpytls:2376 --tlsverify ps

Make sure you have installed docker_py:

sudo apt-get -y install python-pip
sudo pip install docker-py

Once this is successful, open a Python interactive shell and create a docker-py client instance by using the following configuration:

tls_config = docker.tls.TLSConfig(
  client_cert=('/home/vagrant/.docker./cert.pem', \
               '/home/vagrant/.docker/key.pem'), \
client = docker.Client(base_url='https://host:2376', tls=tls_config)

This is equivalent to calling the Docker daemon on the command line as follows:

$ docker -H tcp://host:2376 --tlsverify --tlscert /path/to/client-cert.pem \
                                       --tlskey /path/to/client-key.pem \
                                       --tlscacert /path/to/ca.pem ...

See Also

4.12 Changing the Storage Driver


You would like to use a different storage driver than the default used on your system during Docker installation.


This recipe illustrates how to change the storage backend used by Docker. You will start from a Ubuntu 14.04 installation with a 3.13 kernel and a Docker 1.7 setup with Another Union File System (AUFS), and you will switch to the overlay filesystem. As before, you can grab a Vagrantfile from the repository that comes with this book. Let’s do it:

$ git clone
$ cd docbook/ch04/overlay
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ uname -r
$ docker info | grep Storage
Storage Driver: aufs
$ docker version | grep Server
Server version: 1.7.0

The overlay filesystem is available in the Linux kernel starting with 3.18. Therefore to switch storage backends, you first need to upgrade the kernel of your machine to 3.18 and restart:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget\
$ wget\
$ wget\
$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.0-*.deb linux-image-3.18.0-*.deb
$ sudo update-grub
$ sudo shutdown -r now

Once the machine has restarted, connect to it again. You can now edit the Docker configuration file and specify Overlay as a storage driver by using the -s option in starting the Docker daemon:

$ uname -r
$ sudo su
# service docker stop
# echo DOCKER_OPTS=\"-s overlay\" >> /etc/default/docker
# service docker start

You now switch the storage backend for Docker:

$ docker info | grep Storage
Storage Driver: overlay

AUFS has been the default storage backend for 3.13–3.16 kernels, especially on Ubuntu systems. Overlay is now in the upstream kernel starting with 3.18, and AUFS is not available. Consider switching to Overlay.


Docker can use multiple storage backends to store images and container filesystems. The storage abstraction in Docker tries to minimize the space used by images and container filesystems by keeping them in layers and tracking only the modifications from layer to layer. It relies on union-based filesystems to accomplish this.

You can choose between the following storage backends:

  • vfs

  • devicemapper

  • btrfs

  • aufs

  • overlay

Analyzing the differences in stability and performance of each of these solutions as Docker storage backends is beyond the scope of this recipe.

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