Creating a deployment using the API

Creating a deployment is very similar to creating a service, it's creating another type of Kubernetes resource, after all. All we need is a proper JSON payload file that we will be sending to the api-server using the POST HTTP method. Our rest-example deployment manifest in JSON can look as follows:

{  "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1",  "kind": "Deployment",  "metadata": {    "name": "rest-example"  },  "spec": {    "replicas": 1,    "template": {      "metadata": {        "labels": {          "app": "rest-example",          "tier": "backend"        }      },      "spec": {        "containers": [          {            "name": "rest-example",            "image": "jotka/rest-example",            "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",            "resources": {              "requests": {                "cpu": "100m",                "memory": "100Mi"              }            },            "env": [              { "name": ...

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