
optional — Optional information


optional ::= (text | phrase db._phrase | replaceable | Graphic inlines | Indexing inlines | Linking inlines | Ubiquitous inlines)*


The optional element indicates that a specified argument, option, or other text is optional. The precise meaning of optional varies according to the application or process being documented.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.

Optional arguments in a synopsis are usually given special typographic treatment, and often they are surrounded by square brackets. The optional tag is expected to generate the brackets.

Outside a synopsis, the typographic treatment of optional is application specific.

See Also

computeroutput, constant, literal, markup, option, parameter, prompt, replaceable, tag, userinput, varname


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example optional</title>

ls <option>-abcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux1</option>


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