
informalexample — A displayed example without a title


informalexample ::= (, (annotation | bridgehead | remark | revhistory | Indexing inlines | Admonition elements | Formal elements | Graphic elements | Informal elements | List elements | Paragraph elements | Publishing elements | Synopsis elements | Technical elements | Verbatim elements)+, captiondb.caption)

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • floatstyle

  • width (nonNegativeInteger)


An informalexample is a wrapper for an example without a title. Examples often contain programlistings or other large block elements.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Specifies style information to be used when rendering the float


Specifies the width (in characters) of the element

See Also

equation, example, figure, informalequation, informalfigure, informaltable, table


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example informalexample</title>

sub print_content_model {
    my($self) = shift;
    local($_) = shift;
    local(*FILE) = shift;

    my(@cm) = $self->format_content_model2($_);
    foreach $_ (@cm) {
        print FILE $self->make_links($_, 1, 1), "\n";


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