
biblioentry — A raw entry in a bibliography


biblioentry ::= (citebiblioid | citerefentry | citetitle | person | personblurb | personname | subtitle | title | titleabbrev | Publishing inlines | “Info” elements)+


A biblioentry is an entry in a bibliography. The contents of biblioentry are a database of named fields. Presentation systems frequently suppress some elements in a biblioentry.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.

A biblioentry is raw. It contains a database-like collection of named fields. It is the responsibility of the processing system to select elements from within a biblioentry, present them in the correct order, and add all punctuation.

There is no expectation that a system will present all of the fields in a biblioentry or that they will be displayed in the order in which they occur.

Correct formatting of biblioentrys is an interchange issue. See Appendix D.

See Also

bibliomisc, bibliomixed, bibliomset, biblioset

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