
article — An article


article ::= ((((title & titleabbrev? & subtitle?), | info, (acknowledgements | appendix | bibliography | colophon | glossary | index | toc)*, (((annotation | bridgehead | remark | revhistory | Indexing inlines | Admonition elements | Formal elements | Graphic elements | Informal elements | List elements | Paragraph elements | Publishing elements | Synopsis elements | Technical elements | Verbatim elements)+, ((section+, simplesect*) | simplesect+ | (sect1+, simplesect*) | refentry+)?) | (section+, simplesect*) | simplesect+ | (sect1+, simplesect*) | refentry+), (acknowledgements | appendix | bibliography | colophon | glossary | index | toc)*)

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • class (enumeration) = “faq” | “journalarticle” | “productsheet” | “specification” | “techreport” | “whitepaper”

  • label

  • status

Additional constraints

  • If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.


The article element is a general-purpose container for articles. The content model is both quite complex and rather loose in order to accommodate the wide range of possible article structures. Although changes to the article element have been discussed on several occasions, no better model has been presented.

An article may include a table of contents and multiple lists of tables, figures, and so on before the main text of the article. It may also include ...

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