Listing the Zones on a Server

The last zone example we’ll show lists the configured zones on a specific name server. To make the following example a little more robust, we’ve added logic to make the script configurable so it can be run against any name server using the specified credentials. That is accomplished by using the ConnectServer method on the SWbemLocator object.

strServer   = ""
strUsername = "dnsadmin"
strPassword = "dnspwd"

Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objDNS = objLocator.ConnectServer(strServer, "root\MicrosoftDNS", _
                                      strUsername, strPassword)
set objDNSServer = objDNS.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.Name="".""")
set objZones = objDNS.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_Zone " & _
                                "Where DnsServerName = '" & _
                                objDNSServer.Name & "'") 
WScript.Echo objDNSServer.Name
for each objZone in objZones
   WScript.Echo " " & objZOne.Name

To retrieve the list of zones, we used a WQL query with ExecQuery to find all MicrosoftDNS_Zone objects that had a DnsServerName equal to the name of the server we are connecting to.

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