Creating a Zone

Creating a zone with the DNS Provider is a straightforward operation. You need to get a WMI object for the DNS namespace, instantiate an object from the MicrosoftDNS_Zone class, and call CreateZone on that object. The next example shows how to do this:

strNewZone = ""
strServer = ""

on error resume next

set objDNS = GetObject("winMgmts:\\" & strServer & "\root\MicrosoftDNS")
set objDNSZone = objDNS.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Zone")
strNull = objDNSZone.CreateZone(strNewZone,0,TRUE)

if Err then
   WScript.Echo "Error occurred creating zone: " & Err.Description
   WScript.Echo "Zone created . . . "
end if

The three parameters we passed into CreateZone include the zone name, the zone type flag, and the AD-integrated flag. A zone type of 0 creates a primary zone. When the AD-integrated flag is set to true, the primary zone is AD-integrated; if it is false, it is a standard primary. At the time of this writing, Microsoft had conflicting documentation about these parameters and their valid values. Refer to the MSDN Library for more information; hopefully, they’ll get it straight eventually.

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