Monitoring Server Performance

If you’ve ever wanted a programmatic way to access the output of the dnscmd /statistics command, now you have one. The MicrosoftDNS_Statistic class provides complete access to all the performance metrics you can get using dnscmd or Performance Monitor. And it’s easy too! Check out this script, which prints out all of the statistics:

strServer = " "

set objDNS = GetObject("winMgmts:\\" & strServer & "\root\MicrosoftDNS")
set objDNSServer = objDNS.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.Name="".""")
set objStats = objDNS.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_Statistic ")
for each objStat in objStats
   WScript.Echo " " & objStat.Name & " : " & objStat.Value

And if you want to access only a subset of the metrics (for example, all of the entries that start with “Records”) you only need to modify the WQL query slightly:

set objStats = objDNS.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_Statistic " & _
                                 where Name like 'Records%' ")

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