19.5.4 Post-Authentication Redirection

If you log in to the website, you’ll discover that Django tries to redirect us to the /accounts/profile/ URL path segment, a webpage that doesn’t exist. That’s rather silly.

We can change this behavior by overriding the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL. In Example 19.45, we also define the LOGIN_URL and LOGOUT_URL settings, which will be useful in Chapter 20.

Example 19.45: Project Code

suorganizer/settings.py in a4c0b0aec0

166   from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy 167 168   LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = reverse_lazy('blog_post_list') 169   LOGIN_URL = reverse_lazy('dj-auth:login') 170   LOGOUT_URL = reverse_lazy('dj-auth:logout')

This is a great start, but we can do much better. Users ...

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