17.7.3 Creating ArchiveIndexView

Ideally, we want to link to our new PostArchiveYear webpage from the PostList page. To do so, we need a list of all of the dates our Post objects have been published. We could add the result of Post.object.dates('pub_date', 'year') to our template context, modify post_list.html, and call it a day. Instead (and despite the fact that this section is about adding GCBV), we will replace ListView with ArchiveIndexView as PostList’s superclass.

Much like PostList, ArchiveIndexView shows a list of objects. Both may be paginated (a feature we have yet to use on a GCBV). However, ArchiveIndexView is meant to be integrated with MonthArchiveView and YearArchiveView and expects the DateField (or DateTimeField) to work properly. ...

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