15.6 Security Implications of FlatPages

Before we go, reexamine our flatpages template in templates/flatpages/default.html, shown in Example 15.25

Example 15.25: Project Code

templates/flatpages/default.html in 4b8bef1bdb

 9         <div> 10           <h1> {{ flatpage.title }}</h1> 11           {{ flatpage.content }} 12         </div>

In most cases, we’re going to want to store HTML in the content field of FlatPage objects. As mentioned in Chapter 4: Rapidly Producing Flexible HTML with Django Templates, all of the string variables output in Django templates are escaped. Anything that is a special character in HTML (such as <) will become an HTML entity, as shown in Example 15.26.

Example 15.26: Python Interpreter ...

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