4.6.2 Template for a Single Startup Object

Create a new file at /organizer/templates/organizer/startup_detail.html. In the template, we list information associated with a single Startup object using an HTML definition list, as shown in Example 4.35. We assume that our template is given a startup object, from which we will derive all data: we will list all of the fields, or data attributes, of our Startup model class passed to the startup variable (which we shall code in Chapter 5).

Example 4.35: Project Code

organizer/templates/organizer/startup_detail.html in 5cc3cf5880

 1   <article>  2  3     <h2> {{ startup.name }}</h2>  4     <dl>  5       <dt>Date Founded</dt>  6         <dd> {{ startup.founded_date

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