URL anatomy

Technically, URLs belong to a more general family of identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Hence, a URL has the same structure as a URI.

A URI is composed of several parts:

URI = Scheme + Net Location + Path + Query + Fragment

For example, a URI (http://dev.example.com:80/gallery/videos?id=217#comments) can be deconstructed in Python using the urlparse function:

>>> from urllib.parse import urlparse
>>> urlparse("http://dev.example.com:80/gallery/videos?id=217#comments")
ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='dev.example.com:80', path='/gallery/videos', params='', query='id=217', fragment='comments')

The URI parts can be depicted graphically as follows:

Even though Django documentation prefers to use the term URLs, ...

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