Solution details

In Django, you can create a basic service without any third-party packages. Instead of returning HTML, you can return the serialized data in the JSON format.

For example, we can create a simple service that returns five recent public posts from SuperBook as follows:

from django.http import JsonResponse class PublicPostJSONView(View): 
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): 
        msgs = models.Post.objects.public_posts().values( 
            "posted_by_id", "message")[:5] 
        return JsonResponse(list(msgs), safe=False) 

If we try to retrieve this view, we will get a JSON string rather than an HTML response:

    >>> from django.test import Client
    >>> Client().get("").content
    b'[{"posted_by_id": 23, "message": "Hello!"},

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