Chapter 1. Django and Patterns

In this chapter, we will talk about the following topics:

  • Why Django?
  • The story of Django
  • How Django works
  • What is a Pattern?
  • Well-known pattern collections
  • Patterns in Django

According to Bowei Gai's "World Startup Report," there were more than 136,000 Internet firms across the world in 2013, with more than 60,000 in America alone. Of these, 87 US companies are valued more than 1 billion dollars. Another study says that of 12,000 people aged between 18 and 30 in 27 countries, more than two-thirds see opportunities in becoming an entrepreneur.

This entrepreneurial boom in digital startups is primarily due to the tools and technologies of startups becoming cheap and ubiquitous. Creating a fully fledged web application takes ...

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